Extensions vol 1
Still from exhibited work

Helene Nymann
Selva of Selves (S.O.S), 2019
In Selva of Selves (S.O.S), Helene Nymann presents other ways of remembering by introducing us to the sea-slug Aplysia Californica creating and storing memories through its nervous system. In fact, it’s neurons are the largest found in any species, which is why it has been a test-subject in neuro-scientific experiments proving the possibility of memory-transfer. As if the video was a digital wormhole, we travel through colors similar to a chemical liquid the slug uses for self-defense. Arriving deep inside its pulsating nervous system, the video opens our minds towards the notion of the slug’s embodied knowledge. By turning towards the nonhuman body in the age of rapid technological change, potentially sustainable and alternative methods of how to remember are imagined.
Ida Schyum
cand.mag in art history
© Helene Nymann