Still image from online exhibition, May 7 - July 10, 2021.

Lawrence Lek
AIDOL爱道, 2019.
AIDOL爱道 is the album soundtrack to the film with the same title by artist Lawrence Lek. In the film, we follow the fading superstar Diva in her journey through a fantasy world populated with sentient satellites and drones. Set in the year 2065, twenty years after her last hit song, Diva is set to make a comeback performance at the eSports Olympics finale. She is a human, but seeks help to write her new songs from Geomancer, an artificial intelligence who dreams of pursuing an artistic career. This is a controversial move, since the ‘Bio-Supremacist’ pro-human group has banned artificial intelligences from making any form of art out of their fear of human obsolescence.
The hollow yet artificial sounds in the songs give an impression of how the film touches on the complex relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence, resonating with many present-day anxieties as our culture slowly moves towards a deeper reliance on artificial intelligence. Encouraging the viewers to consider a nonhuman perspective, AIDOL爱道 looks beyond the question of whether creativity can come from a computer to question whether aesthetics itself should be redefined along the dissemination of digital technology.
The film is shown at ARoS Public.
© Lawrence Lek
Ida Schyum,
cand.mag in art history

Lawrence Lek
AIDOL , 2019
© Lawrence Lek
Installation at ARoS Public, ARoS Aarhus Art Museum (DK)
Installation photo: ©Mikkel Kaldal

Still from trailer. The full movie is shown at ARoS Public auditorium May 7 - July 10, 2021
© Lawrence Lek