ONLINE HERE: NOV 2-16, 2020
Still photo from art work

©Lea Porsager
Lea Porsager
Spin Φ & Post-host: H@T, 2015
What if the theosophist Helena P. Blavatsky gave birth to her successor Annie Besant, who then gave birth to Niels Bohr, and his testicles spat out Angela Merkel?
Visual artist Lea Porsager has devised this thought experiment entangling people into a web of births. Therefore, she had four people hypnotized into believing that they were born out of a hat as Blavatsky, Beasant, Bohr, and Merkel. They all have in common to have worked with atomic physics. Blavatsky, with an occult definition of the atom as an indivisible substance transferred between humans. Besant continued Blavatsky's thoughts into the definition of a permanent atom containing the energies of its past experiences reincarnated in new forms. Niels Bohr wrote an atomic model of the quantified energies in the atom, and Angela Merkel is a Ph.D. in the energy loss taking place when atoms are reorganized into new molecules.
In the work, Porsager has recorded the hypnotized people explaining how it feels to be in the bodies of others. Meanwhile, one can hear a spinning cat recalling the spinning motions that occur at both the atomic and astronomic levels. On top of that, the video shows hashtags such as #PUSSY and #MasturbatoryPowertool
best seen through 3D glasses. The work thus points to unconventional feminist and esoteric tools to observe the cosmos with.
Ida Schyum
cand.mag in art history